วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

TV's Influence on Healthy Eating Habits

When it comes to your energy balance (relation between energy supply and energy consumption), snacking in front of the TV is very unhealthy. Watching TV seems to also increase snacking. Snacking leads to increased energy consumption. This is not bad by itself, unfortunately most snacks eaten in front of the TV are fatty, sugary and/or salty. Eventually this might influence our sense of saturation negatively and might lead to difficulties with our saturation regulation.
A secondary effect of watching TV is the inherent danger of watching itself, which is especially damaging to children. With an increased exposure to media, children are increasingly exposed to advertisement for sugary drinks as well as unhealthy choices of other foods that contain too much fat and/or sugar. Clever advertisement messages suggest to children that by consuming certain candy bars they become more popular in school or better at sports. Several studies show that advertisement can have an effect on children's' eating behavior. One study showed that children who saw an advertisement for candy on TV ate double the amount of candy during the following cartoon than children who saw an advertisement for toys.
Furthermore children that watch TV do not have any physical activity during this time. This makes TV itself a risk factor for obesity. Numbers show that during recent years daily time spent in front of the TV, with video games and on other activities on the computer increased dramatically, meaning less time playing outdoors.
Therefore why not try to go on a hike with the children this weekend.

